Monday, July 5, 2010

Una Semana Bacano!

Last week I talked about two very exciting events that occured with the children that we work with here. Well this week, we would like to share with you another exciting moment that has occured.

So as Anita and I have mentioned several times before, the babies that we work with both at Chiquitines and Oscar Scarpetta present with some developmental delays. One of the younger babies that we work with at Oscar Scarpetta was unable to roll from supine to prone ( from the back to the stomach), sit or position into quadruped independently. As of the second week of working with this baby, he was able to sit for short periods of time independently and even began to intiate rolling independently. As of today, this baby is able to roll, sit for longer periods of time and position himself into quadruped independently. In addition, in his first attempts to learn to crawl he has began to perform what we call the worm crawl. He has begun to move both his knees at the same time and then both arms, so it kind of looks like he is performing the worm. But he is definitely moving on his own, and we are sure that it will not be long till he is full blown crawling.

At Chiquitines, we had the pleasure of attending a play and graduation ceremony for the older children. They were soo adorable and they sang very well. Five children graduated from pre-school and one recived an honorary certificate for her great work. We were also able to experience a Cumbia performance ( a form of dance) with the children.

Last but not least, we would like to share with you how we spent our 4th of July. We didn't attend any BBQs or even grill any hot dogs or hamburgers. Instead we ran our first ever 1/2 marathon, Media Maraton de Cali. Anita's goal was to complete the whole race running and my goal was to at least finish the race. I am very happy to say that we both completed our goals and rewarded ourselves by spending the rest of the day in bed. Happy 4th of July to us!

1 comment:

  1. Hey T, you are truly the "Superwoman" Alicia Keys wrote about. I am so very proud of you and we all knew you would shoot for the moon but touch the stars! You go girl. Love you lots see you soon. :) Nikki
